Our commitment to society

At Hansaplast, we aim to bring first aid and wound care education to children all over the world.

Teach them young: empowering children in first aid

We always need to be prepared – and the younger we are when we learn how to react in certain situations, the better. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing wound care education to people around the world. Based on this, we commit to our global social mission:

We pledge to enable 200,000 children worldwide to be trained in first aid and wound care by 2025.

With first-aid activities for children, we want to empower them to protect themselves and others from those everyday scrapes and bruises. We believe that a new generation of first-aid experts will go on to disseminate their new knowledge to their friends and family, in time helping countless people around the world learn about first aid, wound protection and the prevention of infections.

Launching child-friendly educational programmes


Learning in a playful way

We are launching first-aid activities for children to help them learn in a playful way – about how to protect themselves, help others, and get new insights into first aid and wound care. Our programme is based on the International First Aid, Resuscitation and Education Guidelines of the IFCR, the oldest and largest provider of first-aid education in the world.


Learning from first-aid experts

We cooperate with dependable local partners, allowing us to connect with the communities concerned. In Germany, Indonesia, the Netherlands, India, Austria and Belgium, Hansaplast partnered up with the local Red Cross organisations. In the United Kingdom, we work with Dr Zoe, an NHS GP. And in Australia, we cooperate with ACHPER (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education & Recreation).


Spreading better wound-care education

With these programmes, we at Hansaplast aim to live up to our new social mission and help thousands of people around the world. Spreading better education on first aid for children is one of the ways that Hansaplast can make our next hundred years even more meaningful than the last.

Why first-aid knowledge is so relevant

We are dedicated to turning tears into smiles and worries into relief by continuously finding better, safer and easier ways for people all over the world to care for their injuries and help them to get on with their lives.
We know that this means more than developing best-in-class products. Because even the most reliable plaster doesn’t help if people don’t know how to properly manage their everyday wounds. Many people are unaware of the fundamentals of proper wound care and first aid for children and adults, but we always need to be prepared. Read the stories in our testimonials.

Practical help at hand

Because not all people around the world can participate in our projects directly, we will share our first aid and wound care knowledge via our platforms. You can find important information about first aid for children and adults, wound care and preventing infections on this website.

Practical help at hand

Because not all people around the world can participate in our projects directly, we will share our first aid and wound care knowledge via our platforms. You can find important information about first aid for children and adults, wound care and preventing infections on this website.

Guiding principles at Hansaplast

Hansaplast cares for skin and people. Caring for people means we promote and live by the principles of inclusion, respect and trust. We stand in solidarity with communities around the world fighting racism and injustice. As actions must echo sentiments, we are ensuring our skin-tone plaster portfolio reflects the diversity we support.